Citizens Online is now AbilityNet

Citizens Online is now AbilityNet. This website is now inactive and some pages have been shut down.

If you need to contact us, please do so through the AbilityNet website. Our support phone number has changed and is: 0300 180 0028       For those in Brighton & Hove, our support number is: 01273 013661

Merge with AbilityNet

Our Work

Digital Brighton & Hove

We support residents in Brighton & Hove to build digital skills and confidence. We also provide digital devices and data to those in need. We work in partnership and run a digital inclusion network with over 350 organisations.

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Digital Gwynedd / Gwynedd Ddigidol

We’re running regular digital skills sessions 12 locations all around Gwynedd. Join us for bi-lingual support with digital skills, confidence, devices and data packages for those in need.

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Private: Help for people

We can provide support with digital skills from one of our trained Digital Champions. We offer a freephone Digital Skills Helpline for people who need help to get started.

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Support for organisations

Since 2000, Citizens Online has developed a wealth of experience in digital and social inclusion, digital skills, leadership and transformation.

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“It is the second time we have worked with the team at Citizens Online and it is always a pleasure. They are a great team who truly understand the challenges Councils, organisations and businesses face around Digital Inclusion. The team are incredibly motivated and work so seamless with internal staff. They are passionate, skilled and incredibly knowledgeable. Outputs are always so impactful and insightful demonstrating the collaboration that has been enabled through the work. The team also work so hard to handover work to ensure it can be as successful and valuable as possible.”

Joanne Blount
Head of Strategy and Engagement IT & Digital, Surrey County Council