In March 2022, community organisation Menter y Plu contacted us to ask if Digital Gwynedd could run regular digital support sessions. Menter y Plu were concerned about residents in the village who struggled with technology, or didn’t have access to devices. We were delighted to help and arranged to deliver sessions in their local Pub – Tafarn y Plu.
The sessions were well attended by a small group of five to six people. Our digital champion Llion helped the group to become confident to navigate their devices and the online world safely. Thanks to our funders, we are able to gift refurbished devices to those in need. Our aim is always to embed digital inclusion into communities and organisations, as we know that digital exclusion isn’t a problem that is going away, it is only changing, as technology changes. Therefore, we are always looking to train up others to be confident to support people with digital skills. After running the session for a few months we were introduced to Ian, who was keen to volunteer. We provided Ian with support and he was happy to take over running the group.
Ian’s Support
Ian was quite new to the area, having moved after retiring as an eLearning manager from University of Manchester. He also strongly believes the positive benefits of supporting people with digital technology. During his time at Manchester University he helped students and staff to harness the power of digital technology in the teaching and learning environment.
Ian said:
“I believe, I can help people to take control and manage the digital age by supporting them with regular meet ups every Thursday. It is a pleasure to help people who have difficulties using technology and see their confidence grow.”
One of his learners then told us:
“Ian has been very supportive not only to the IT sessions but also to our community. He’s even started learning Welsh! He makes things easy for us to understand and will go out of his way to help.”
Rural Vision Award
As recognition of the hard work and support Ian and Citizens Online have given Menter y Plu they were awarded the Rural Vision ‘Technology’ Award. The award was part of the annual Rural Community Business Awards 2023 ran by the Plunket Foundation. They have since posted a video about the award you can watch on Facebook.
The foundation says:
“Digital inclusion is seen as the great leveller between urban and rural places. Creating greater access to online services brings a wealth of benefits – as much for the individual as it does for a rural business.”
We couldn’t agree more with them! Overall, we take a community based approach, and believe it’s best to reach people where they are at. You can read more about our project in Gwynedd on our website.
There are many of these successful hubs around Gwynedd and we hope to find more Digital Champion Volunteers like Ian to help us keep these running for as long as they are needed. If you are interested in becoming a Digital Champion, please read more and fill in an application form.
Ymgorffori Cymorth Digidol mewn Cymunedau
Ym mis Mawrth 2022, cysylltodd y mudiad cymunedol Menter y Plu â ni i ofyn a allai Gwynedd Ddigidol gynnal sesiynau cymorth digidol rheolaidd. Roedd Menter y Plu yn pryderu am drigolion y pentref oedd yn cael trafferth gyda thechnoleg, neu ddim yn gallu defnyddio dyfeisiau. Roeddem yn falch iawn o helpu a threfnwyd i gyflwyno sesiynau yn eu Tafarn leol – Tafarn y Plu.
Daeth nifer dda o grŵp bach o bump i chwech o bobl i’r sesiynau. Helpodd ein pencampwr digidol Llion y grŵp i ddod yn hyderus i lywio eu dyfeisiau a’r byd ar-lein yn ddiogel. Fe wnaethon ni roi dyfeisiau wedi’u hadnewyddu i’r rhai nad oedd ganddyn nhw un. Ein nod bob amser yw gwreiddio cynhwysiant digidol mewn cymunedau a sefydliadau, rydym bob amser yn ceisio trin eraill i fod yn hyderus i gefnogi pobl â sgiliau digidol. Ar ôl rhedeg y sesiwn am rai misoedd cawsom ein cyflwyno i Ian, a oedd yn awyddus i wirfoddoli. Fe wnaethon ni roi cefnogaeth i Ian ac roedd yn hapus i gymryd yr awenau i redeg y grŵp.
Cefnogaeth Ian
Roedd Ian yn weddol newydd i’r ardal, ar ôl symud wedi iddo ymddeol fel rheolwr e-ddysgu o Brifysgol Manceinion. Mae’n credu’n gryf y manteision cadarnhaol o gefnogi pobl gyda thechnoleg ddigidol. Yn ystod ei amser ym Mhrifysgol Manceinion bu’n helpu myfyrwyr a staff i harnesu pŵer technoleg ddigidol yn yr amgylchedd addysgu a dysgu.
Dywedodd Ian:
“Rwy’n credu y gallaf helpu pobl i gymryd rheolaeth o’r oes ddigidol trwy eu cefnogi mewn sesiynnau rheolaidd bob dydd Iau. Mae’n bleser helpu pobl sy’n cael anawsterau wrth ddefnyddio technoleg a gweld eu hyder yn tyfu.”
Dywedodd un o’i ddysgwyr wrthym:
“Mae Ian wedi bod yn gefnogol iawn nid yn unig i’r sesiynau TG ond hefyd i’n cymuned. Mae e hyd yn oed wedi dechrau dysgu siarad Cymraeg! Mae’n gwneud pethau’n hawdd i ni eu deall a bydd yn mynd allan o’i ffordd i fod o gymorth.”
Gwobr Gweledigaeth Wledig
Fel cydnabyddiaeth o’r gwaith caled a’r gefnogaeth y mae Ian a Citizens Online wedi ei roi i Fenter y Plu dyfarnwyd Gwobr ‘Technoleg’ Gweledigaeth Wledig iddynt. Roedd y wobr yn rhan o Wobrau Busnes Cymunedol Gwledig blynyddol 2023 a gynhelir gan Sefydliad Plunket. Maen nhw wedi postio fideo am y wobr y gallwch chi ei gwylio ar Facebook.
Mae’r sefydliad yn dweud:
“Mae cynhwysiant digidol yn cael ei weld fel y lefelwr gwych rhwng lleoedd trefol a gwledig. Mae creu mwy o fynediad at wasanaethau ar-lein yn dod â chyfoeth o fuddion – cymaint i’r unigolyn ag y mae i fusnes gwledig.”
Ni allem gytuno mwy â nhw! Rydym yn mabwysiadu ymagwedd gymunedol, ac yn credu ei bod yn well cyrraedd pobl lle y maent. Gallwch ddarllen mwy am ein prosiect yng Ngwynedd ar ein gwefan.
Mae llawer o’r hybiau llwyddiannus hyn o gwmpas Gwynedd ac rydym yn gobeithio dod o hyd i fwy o Bencampwyr Digidol Gwirfoddol fel Ian i’n helpu ni i gadw’r rhain i fynd cyhyd ag y bo angen. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn bod yn Bencampwr Digidol, darllenwch fwy a llenwch ffurflen gais.